Vintage original 1950s era used nice or nos no box AAA award automobile bumper trunk lid emblem sign or license plate topper-super nice for the age–very mild wear-visi–very clean—really cool old original accessory—-very old real deal auto accessory– -not a repop!!!!!! Perfect for the street hot rod –awesome and hard to find——no reserve.
Vintage Automotive 1935 Plymouth Cowl Vent Door MoPar Old Car Parts
Vintage Automotive 1935 Plymouth Cowl Vent Door – MoPar. Good condition, some surface rust. These vintage pieces of automobilia span the years 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960…
Vintage 1940’s 1950’s MoPar Dodge Plymouth Distributor 1300795 Auto-Lite
Vintage 1940’s 1950’s MoPar Dodge Plymouth Distributor 1300795 Auto-Lite. Good for parts or rebuild, do not know if it works. These vintage pieces of automobilia span the years 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954…
Antique Headlight lamp Motorcycle Bicycle Light Vintage Schwinn Harley etc
Fog Lamp Cibie Oscar Jode Pair Lights Old Competitors Towing Years 70
Cibie Oscar Jode competitors Carello 70s.. Pair of Cibie Oscar fog/driving lights. Brand and model: CibiĆ© Oscar Iode. White glass with yellow bulb, glass scratches from E3 fog lights. Back in gray painted metal. Glass diameter measures 14 cm, total size 17 cm. Complete with wiring, bulb connection. ATTENTION: one is produced in France, the…
Vintage Mid-Century MCM Milk Glass Tulip Double Hanging Pendant Lights Parts
Vintage Mid-Century MCM Milk Glass Tulip Double Hanging Pendant Lights Parts. Up for sale is this Vintage pair of Mid-Century Modern Milk Glass Tulip Hanging Lights. One of them is complete and in working condition all Milk Glass is intact. The other hanging light has broken missing Milk glass pedals. I pack your items like…
Vintage MoPar Glenn Mitchell Part Catalog Includes parts from the 40’s 50’s 60’s
Vintage MoPar Glenn Mitchell Part Catalog – Includes parts from the 1960’s with a few other years included. Please message me with any specific questions. Plymouth Chrysler Dodge DeSoto. Does not appear to be complete, appears to be a compilation. Has thousands of parts listed and exploded diagrams of motors, transmissions, body panels, etc. Wealth…
Antique License Plate Glass Reflector RED EYE Vintage Chevy Ford Harley 1 9/16
Up for sale is one single EYE antique glass reflector… Measure 1 9/16 side to side…. See my other auctions for more rare reflectors.
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- 1-2-3
- 1-2-3-4
- 1000w
- 110pc
- 112a
- 17color
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- 1871-72
- 18mm
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- 1930-40's
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- 1950'spressed
- 1950s
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- 1973-1987
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- 19th
- 2-screw
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- 25pc
- 2pcs
- 30xmotorcycle
- 4-antique
- 40's
- 4finals
- 4sets
- 50pc
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- 5inch
- 66-74
- 682-j
- 695b
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- 6vunity
- absolutely
- acanthus
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- acquiring
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- amazing
- amber
- american
- animated
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- antiques
- antiquevintage
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- arrow-e
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- b-l-c
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- bakelite
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- bought
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- boxes
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- collectible
- collecting
- complete
- confronted
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- convolute
- cool
- copper
- corvette
- cover
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- craft
- crazy
- create
- cree
- cross
- crystal
- cube
- curtains
- custard
- custom
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- cyclops
- czech
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- debt
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- decorative
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- design
- desk
- detector
- deville
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- disassemble
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- do-ray
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- dozens
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- elegant
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- empire
- enders
- ep638
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- epoxy
- ertl
- escape
- eureka
- exactly
- exceptional
- exhuming
- exquisite
- extremely
- eyed
- fairy
- falkenstein
- fancy
- fat-
- fat-boy
- feit
- fenton
- ferro
- feuerhand
- fiat
- fiberglass
- filled
- find
- finding
- finial
- fisher
- fits
- fitters
- fitzgerald
- fixing
- flea
- flexible
- floor
- flower
- fluted
- fnton
- ford
- forgotten
- foscarini
- found
- four
- frantz
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- french
- front
- fulton
- geco
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- genuine
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- giant
- gigalumi
- glance
- glass
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- gone
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- green
- grist
- guide
- gwtw
- hand
- handmade
- hanging
- hart
- head
- headlight
- heads
- heavily
- heavy
- heck
- hella
- herbert
- hidden
- hinks's
- history
- hollywood
- home
- homemade
- hour
- house
- howard
- howto
- hubbell
- huge
- icicle
- iconic
- idee
- identify
- identifying
- ikea
- illinois
- inch
- incredible
- industrial
- infrared
- ingenious
- inspired
- install
- instruction
- international
- iron
- italian
- jaeger
- japan
- japanese
- jeweled
- joseph
- just
- kaco
- keeping
- kerosene
- kewpie
- kilborn
- killark
- kind
- king
- klonz
- kmart
- know
- kosmos
- lada
- lamp
- lamps
- lampshade
- lamput
- lancia
- lantern
- large
- last
- laurel
- lava
- leaded
- leech
- left
- lenox
- less
- license
- lick
- light
- lightolier
- lights
- lincoln
- lineman
- linread
- lionel
- lithophane
- live
- living
- long
- looking
- lorraine
- lotof
- lotof20
- lqqk
- lucas
- luxor
- lyskaer
- made
- magnet
- make
- making
- manufacturing
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- marchal
- marker
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- mastercrafters
- matching
- mcgill
- measure
- meat
- medieval
- meghan
- mercedes
- metal
- mica
- mickey
- mid-century
- midgard
- miller
- miner's
- mineral
- mini
- miniature
- mint
- miramar
- mixed
- model
- modern
- monumental
- mooneyes
- mopar
- more
- most
- motionettes
- moto
- motorbike
- murano
- musical
- mystery
- nakamichi
- nautical
- navajo
- need
- neon
- nice
- night
- nikon
- nissan
- nouveau
- nude
- nuts
- oasis
- okay
- old-vintage-crystal-glass-drops-handelier-lamp-prism-6-parts
- oldfield
- oldies
- onyx
- opalescent
- open
- optimus
- ordering
- original
- ornate
- outstanding
- paar
- pack
- packard
- paint
- pair
- pairpoint
- part
- partial
- parts
- pathfinder
- pendant
- pennant
- perkins
- perko
- peters
- petromax
- philipsburg
- pick
- pieces
- pipe
- pittsburgh
- plaster
- plumbing
- plymouth
- pole
- pond
- pontiacbuick
- poor
- porcelain
- porsche
- portman
- post
- power
- prepping
- pressed
- preview
- pricing
- primus
- printed
- prism
- prisms
- private
- project
- properly
- pulley
- pune
- queen
- quirky
- quoizel
- r700
- rain
- raleigh
- rally
- rambler
- rare
- rare-2
- raydyot
- rayo
- rear
- reassembling
- rebuilding
- rechromed
- recover
- recovering
- recycled
- regent
- remove
- renault
- renovation
- repair
- repairing
- replace
- replacement
- repro
- repurpose
- reserved
- restoration
- restore
- restored
- restoring
- retro
- rewire
- rewiring
- rich
- right
- rolls
- room
- rope
- rose
- rosette
- rubbolite
- rusted
- rusty
- safe
- safely
- sale
- salvage
- salvaged
- salvaging
- scary
- scca
- scenes
- sconce
- sealed
- sears
- secrets
- selling
- sentinel
- series
- servicing
- seven
- sevres
- shabby
- shape
- ship
- shoji
- shop
- short
- should
- showcase
- signal
- signal-stat
- silver
- simple
- singer
- single
- sizes
- slag
- small
- smalla
- smaller
- smith
- socket
- sold
- something
- sony
- sorry
- span
- spanish
- spare
- spartus
- special
- spent
- spinning
- spiral
- sports
- spot
- spring
- square
- stanley
- starlight
- start
- station
- steam
- steampunk
- stewart
- stiffel
- still
- stock
- stop
- streamline
- student
- style
- success
- sunburst
- super
- swiss
- switch
- table
- take
- taking
- tales
- tall
- taryl
- teardrops
- telco
- tension
- terminal99
- texas
- theory
- those
- three
- thrift
- thrifting
- tiffany
- tiffin
- tilted
- tips
- tizio
- together
- tool
- toshiba
- toss
- touring
- toyota
- transformation
- transforming
- transporter
- trilight
- trolley
- tune
- turkish
- tutorial
- two-vintage
- ugly
- unbelievable
- unboxing
- unique
- united
- unity
- universal
- unlock
- unusual
- upcycled
- update
- v842
- valuing
- valve
- vaseline
- vertical
- very
- veteran
- victorian
- vintage
- vintage'anglepoise'
- vintage-telephone
- vintage1920's
- vintageantique
- visor
- volt
- vtg1884
- vtgantique
- walter
- water
- watt
- wedgwood
- wheeler
- whimsical
- white
- wild
- wipac
- wire
- wiring
- wood
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- workspace
- world
- worse
- worthologist
- wrap
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- xantech
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- year
- yellow
- york
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