Hollywood Regency Flower Lotus Lamp Replacement Dark Pink Rose 6 Glass Petals and Metal Frame. Parts Only NO LAMP. Please see pictures for measurements. SET OF 4 FLOWERS. From Smoke Free Home.
VTG MCM Hollywood Regency Ornate Amber Optic Light Swag Lamp Falkenstein Parts
THIS ITEM WILL NEED REWIRED. VTG MCM Hollywood Regency Ornate Amber Optic Light Swag Lamp. Looks like a Falkenstein but I find no mark. Rich glowing amber glass looks to be on fire! Ornate white textured graphics enhance the gourd shape. Fancy finials have verdigris forming on different sections. The screws are frozen in place…
Hollywood Regency Lamp James Mont Style Asian Brass Vintage MCM PARTS ONLY
Hollywood Regency Lamp James Mont Style Asian Brass Vintage MCM PARTS ONLY This lamp needs new wiring, it is only the outside also the base has come apart from it and is bent a little on the edge so it cannot be easily screwed back on. We think with a little work it could be…
Hollywood Regency Lamp James Mont Style Asian Brass Vintage MCM PARTS ONLY
Hollywood Regency Lamp James Mont Style Asian Brass Vintage MCM PARTS ONLY This lamp needs new wiring, it is only the outside also the base has come apart from it and is bent a little on the edge so it cannot be easily screwed back on. We think with a little work it could be…
Hollywood Regency MCM Clear Blue Melon Floral Table Lamp Vintage Parts Only
Hollywood Regency MCM Clear Blue Melon Floral Table Lamp Vintage Parts Only. Vintage Blue Glass Table Lamp. This lamp is an original, pre-owned vintage lamp. The lamp is made of a light blue glass with applique flowers. There is hobnail glass pattern around the flowers. The base is metal with a scroll bottom. This is…
Hollywood Regency MCM White Bronzed Floral Table Lamp Brass Footed VTG PARTS
BEAUTIFUL Large MCM Clear Blue Floral Table Lamp Electric Brass Footed. Lamp is a little loose and could use tightening. Lamp would not stop throwing my breaker. Not sure why but wanted to disclose. The item “Hollywood Regency MCM White Bronzed Floral Table Lamp Brass Footed VTG PARTS” is in sale since Friday, October 2,…
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- homemade
- hour
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- inch
- incredible
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- infrared
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- inspired
- install
- instruction
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- just
- kaco
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- king
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- kmart
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- kosmos
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- lamp
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- lampshade
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- lancia
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- large
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- laurel
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- leaded
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- looking
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- most
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- navajo
- need
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- night
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- nude
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- oasis
- okay
- old-vintage-crystal-glass-drops-handelier-lamp-prism-6-parts
- oldfield
- oldies
- onyx
- opalescent
- open
- optimus
- ordering
- original
- ornate
- outstanding
- paar
- pack
- packard
- paint
- pair
- pairpoint
- part
- partial
- parts
- pathfinder
- pendant
- pennant
- perkins
- perko
- peters
- petromax
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- pick
- pieces
- pipe
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- pressed
- preview
- pricing
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- properly
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- r700
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- rare
- rare-2
- raydyot
- rayo
- rear
- reassembling
- rebuilding
- rechromed
- recover
- recovering
- recycled
- regent
- remove
- renault
- renovation
- repair
- repairing
- replace
- replacement
- repro
- repurpose
- reserved
- restoration
- restore
- restored
- restoring
- retro
- rewire
- rewiring
- rich
- right
- rolls
- room
- rope
- rose
- rosette
- rubbolite
- rusted
- rusty
- safe
- safely
- sale
- salvage
- salvaged
- salvaging
- scary
- scca
- scenes
- sconce
- sealed
- sears
- secrets
- selling
- sentinel
- series
- servicing
- seven
- sevres
- shabby
- shape
- ship
- shoji
- shop
- short
- should
- showcase
- signal
- signal-stat
- silver
- simple
- singer
- single
- sizes
- slag
- small
- smalla
- smaller
- smith
- socket
- sold
- something
- sony
- sorry
- span
- spanish
- spare
- spartus
- special
- spent
- spinning
- spiral
- sports
- spot
- spring
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- stanley
- starlight
- start
- station
- steam
- steampunk
- stewart
- stiffel
- still
- stock
- stop
- streamline
- student
- style
- success
- sunburst
- super
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- switch
- table
- take
- taking
- tales
- tall
- taryl
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- terminal99
- texas
- theory
- those
- three
- thrift
- thrifting
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- tiffin
- tilted
- tips
- tizio
- together
- tool
- toshiba
- toss
- touring
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- transforming
- transporter
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- turkish
- tutorial
- two-vintage
- ugly
- unbelievable
- unboxing
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- united
- unity
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- unlock
- unusual
- upcycled
- update
- v842
- valuing
- valve
- vaseline
- vertical
- very
- veteran
- victorian
- vintage
- vintage'anglepoise'
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- vintageantique
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- vtg1884
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- yellow
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