Vintage used original FRANTZ toilet paper roll element remote oil filter canister with bracket, hoses and fittings. Rubber hoses are still pliable and included brass fittings. Measurements included in pictures. Cool vintage original filter. Please read the WHOLE description and all the pictures. Feel free to ask questions, I will respond ASAP. All parts are…
1920’s 1930’s Vintage Oval Dash Gauge Panel HOT RAT ROD SCTA TROG Custom
20’s 30’s used original oval dash gauge panel bezel w/ oil and amp gauges. Measurements included in pictures. Please read the WHOLE description and all the pictures. Feel free to ask questions, I will respond ASAP. All parts are used unless stated otherwise. Used parts are not perfect and need restoration, repair or rebuild. We…
Vintage Auto Truck Accessory Signal Flasher Light Custom Dash Parts Gift Set NOS
Mixed lot of 3 parts unused factory sealed with light soiling and surface wear. Please see pictures for actual item description details and inclusions. USA, Hot, Rat, Rod, Custom, Dash, Panel, Control, Indicators, Advertising, Office, Desk, Lighting, Architectural, Electrical, Edison, Industrial, Manufacturing, Jobs, Period, Design, Primitive, Restoration, Art Deco, Hardware, Workshop, Garage, Display, Red, Prop,…
MOONeyes 3 GAUGE SET w Turned Panel & Senders HOT ROD Custom OIL TEMP VOLT moon
You can be the first to see my newly listed items and sales. Don’t be fooled by drop shippers claiming they have these in stock. These gauges are in my possession (as are all my items). MOON Mechanical 3 Gauge Set. W Engine Turned Panel, Senders, and Instructions. Panel measures 8″ x 3″. One necessary…
MOONeyes 8k TACHOMETER & Mechanical 3 GAUGE set HOT ROD Custom GASSER moon NHRA
You can be the first to see my newly listed items and sales. Brand New in Package. Don’t be fooled by drop shippers claiming they have these in stock. This Tachometer and 3 Gauge Set is in my possession (as are all my items). Gauge Type: Tachometer Limit: 8,000 RPM Face size: 3-3/4 dia. Lighting:…
Vintage Pair 1940s 1950s Unity H1 FOG LIGHTS Bomb Lowrider Custom Hotrod RATROD
A pair of UNITY vintage FOG lights. Used untested cloth wrapped vintage wire that needs replacement. About 5 inches approximately.
MOONeyes 3 GAUGE SET w Turned Panel & Senders HOT ROD Custom OIL TEMP VOLT moon
You can be the first to see my newly listed items and sales. Don’t be fooled by drop shippers claiming they have these in stock. These gauges are in my possession (as are all my items). MOON Mechanical 3 Gauge Set. W Engine Turned Panel, Senders, and Instructions. Panel measures 8″ x 3″. One necessary…
MOONeyes 3 GAUGE SET w Chrome Panel & Senders HOT ROD Custom OIL TEMP VOLT moon
You can be the first to see my newly listed items and sales. Brand New in Package. Don’t be fooled by drop shippers claiming they have these in stock. These gauges are in my possession (as are all my items). Panel measures 7 1/2″ x 3″. MOON Mechanical 3 Gauge Set. W Chrome Panel, Senders,…
MOONeyes 8k TACHOMETER Hot Rod Custom TACH vtg Style GASser NHRA Old School 12v
You can be the first to see my newly listed items and sales. Brand New in Package. Don’t be fooled by drop shippers claiming they have these in stock. This Tachometer is in my possession (as are all my items). Gauge Type: Tachometer Limit: 8,000 RPM Face size: 3-3/4 dia. Lighting: Back lit Self contained…
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- parts
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- repairing
- replace
- replacement
- repro
- repurpose
- reserved
- restoration
- restore
- restored
- restoring
- retro
- rewire
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- rich
- right
- rolls
- room
- rope
- rose
- rosette
- rubbolite
- rusted
- rusty
- safe
- safely
- sale
- salvage
- salvaged
- salvaging
- scary
- scca
- scenes
- sconce
- sealed
- sears
- secrets
- selling
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- servicing
- seven
- sevres
- shabby
- shape
- ship
- shoji
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- short
- should
- showcase
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- signal-stat
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- singer
- single
- sizes
- slag
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- smalla
- smaller
- smith
- socket
- sold
- something
- sony
- sorry
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- spent
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- taking
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- terminal99
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- theory
- those
- three
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- thrifting
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