Lot of 2 BOUDOIR VANITY LAMPs CUT GLASS & HOBNAIL FRENCH STYLE ART DECO PARTS. The body of these two beauties are intact. No wiring or socket. 5 x 5 base.
Vintage Cast Iron Table Lamp Steam Punk Industrial Desk Army Gooseneck PARTS
Vintage Cast Iron Table Lamp Steam Punk. Industrial Desk Army Gooseneck – PARTS! This lamp sells for RESTORATION or PARTS. Will need new cord, comes with wear and patina. Approximate 25 inches long. Please look at ALL pictures for other conditions. If you have any questions please ask!
Antique Large B &H (Bradley Hubbard) Oil Lamp, 12 Tall, 10 Base Parts
Antique Large B &H Oil Lamp, 12″ Tall, 10″ Cast Iron Base, used and working condition, has wick, turn knob, oil fill cap, 5′ cord (damaged).
8 LG Vintage Nickel Silver ceiling Rosette Medallion Brass bronze canopy lamp
Please refer to the photos for the measurements. The chain is 18 long (if a longer chain is needed- just let me know). A great part with elaborate relief designs with leafs and garlands to use to hang your lamp or chandelier; old patina with detailed casting. Good condition – as shown – ready to…
Petromax Britelyt Rapid 829/500CP Vintage Lantern Parts/Repair
This lamp will make a great addition to any collection. Please view pictures provided for additional details and to determine the condition of the item. Please feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them asap.
36 Antique Crystal Prisms Icicle Chandelier Parts Christmas Ornament Unknown
Here are 36 antique crystal prisms in a twisted icicle form. I’ve posted these on several lamp boards and have asked many experts and not 1 person was able to tell me about them because they had never seen them before. Probably early Czech pieces. These were wrapped up since in fruit tissue wrappers from…
1961 AMC Rambler American Motors Owners Manual Vintage
1961 AMC Rambler American Motors Owners Manual Vintage. Appox 8.5 x 5.5 inches. Cover has separated from the booklet – some underlining on pages in ink, and some of the pages have folds. These vintage pieces of automobilia span the years 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938…
Antique Peg Satin Glass Lamp Parts Great Lot For Restoration
THERE ARE FEW LAMP PARTS FOR ANTIQUE LAMP PEG LAMPS RESTORATION. SATIN GLASS PINK-WHITE CASED GLASS LAMP SHADE-mint condition, tall 4 6/8″ wide 6 1/8″ fitting 5.5. Old brass shade holder – fitting 5 5/8″ tall 2″, original design, no problem. YELLOW-WHITE COLOR LAMP FONT – was drilled has white yellow color, tall 2 5/8″…
#75 Arrow Made in USA Fat-Boy Socket Shells, MATCHING, lamp parts
#75 VINTAGE, Fat-Boy Pull Chain / Paddle socket shells, made by “Arrow”…… These are stamped “ARROW Made in USA”……….. All have a headless cap screw, all have been stripped of old paint and lacquer…….. Also, I gently brushed each shell by hand with a very soft brass brush to remove any cleaning reside…….. Ready use…
#100 Vintage Fat-Boy Pull Chain / Paddle, socket shells, lamp parts, lighting
All have a headless cap screw, all have been stripped of old paint and lacquer…….. Also, I gently brushed each shell by hand with a very soft brass brush to remove any cleaning reside…….. Ready use in your restoration or steampunk project….. Check out my other listings for more lamp parts…
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- 682-j
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- crystal
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- ertl
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- extremely
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- floor
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- fnton
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- foscarini
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- four
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- front
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- grist
- guide
- gwtw
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- heads
- heavily
- heavy
- heck
- hella
- herbert
- hidden
- hinks's
- history
- hollywood
- home
- homemade
- hour
- house
- howard
- howto
- hubbell
- huge
- icicle
- iconic
- idee
- identify
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- inch
- incredible
- industrial
- infrared
- ingenious
- inspired
- install
- instruction
- international
- iron
- italian
- jaeger
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- japanese
- jeweled
- joseph
- just
- kaco
- keeping
- kerosene
- kewpie
- kilborn
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- kind
- king
- klonz
- kmart
- know
- kosmos
- lada
- lamp
- lamps
- lampshade
- lamput
- lancia
- lantern
- large
- last
- laurel
- lava
- leaded
- leech
- left
- lenox
- less
- license
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- long
- looking
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- lotof20
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- most
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- mystery
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- navajo
- need
- neon
- nice
- night
- nikon
- nissan
- nouveau
- nude
- nuts
- oasis
- okay
- old-vintage-crystal-glass-drops-handelier-lamp-prism-6-parts
- oldfield
- oldies
- onyx
- opalescent
- open
- optimus
- ordering
- original
- ornate
- outstanding
- paar
- pack
- packard
- paint
- pair
- pairpoint
- part
- partial
- parts
- pathfinder
- pendant
- pennant
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- perko
- peters
- petromax
- philipsburg
- pick
- pieces
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- preview
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- properly
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- rare
- rare-2
- raydyot
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- rear
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- rebuilding
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- recover
- recovering
- recycled
- regent
- remove
- renault
- renovation
- repair
- repairing
- replace
- replacement
- repro
- repurpose
- reserved
- restoration
- restore
- restored
- restoring
- retro
- rewire
- rewiring
- rich
- right
- rolls
- room
- rope
- rose
- rosette
- rubbolite
- rusted
- rusty
- safe
- safely
- sale
- salvage
- salvaged
- salvaging
- scary
- scca
- scenes
- sconce
- sealed
- sears
- secrets
- selling
- sentinel
- series
- servicing
- seven
- sevres
- shabby
- shape
- ship
- shoji
- shop
- short
- should
- showcase
- signal
- signal-stat
- silver
- simple
- singer
- single
- sizes
- slag
- small
- smalla
- smaller
- smith
- socket
- sold
- something
- sony
- sorry
- span
- spanish
- spare
- spartus
- special
- spent
- spinning
- spiral
- sports
- spot
- spring
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- start
- station
- steam
- steampunk
- stewart
- stiffel
- still
- stock
- stop
- streamline
- student
- style
- success
- sunburst
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- switch
- table
- take
- taking
- tales
- tall
- taryl
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- terminal99
- texas
- theory
- those
- three
- thrift
- thrifting
- tiffany
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- tilted
- tips
- tizio
- together
- tool
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- transforming
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- two-vintage
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- unbelievable
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- unity
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- v842
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- very
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- vintage
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