36 Antique Crystal Prisms Icicle Chandelier Parts Christmas Ornament Unknown
36 Antique Crystal Prisms Icicle Chandelier Parts Christmas Ornament Unknown

36 Antique Crystal Prisms Icicle Chandelier Parts Christmas Ornament Unknown
Here are 36 antique crystal prisms in a twisted icicle form. I’ve posted these on several lamp boards and have asked many experts and not 1 person was able to tell me about them because they had never seen them before. Probably early Czech pieces. These were wrapped up since in fruit tissue wrappers from the 1940’s, along with hundreds of other types of chandelier and lamp prisms. They would be great as Christmas ornaments. If you know what these are PLEASE contact me. Everything from early oil, to gas, to early electric. There are dozens of oil lamps and shades and THOUSANDS of parts, pieces and PRISMS. Apparently, her parents before her were also collectors. Tucked away all these years, not to be appreciated. The craftsmanship of some of these items is amazing. You can’t find that now. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
36 Antique Crystal Prisms Icicle Chandelier Parts Christmas Ornament Unknown