Tag: keyless

#12 ARROW-E, Fat-Boy KEYLESS Socket Shells, MATCHING, ART DECO, lamp parts


#12 VINTAGE, Fat-Boy KEYLESS socket shells, made by “ARROW-E”… ARROW-E has a very nice ART DECO letter “E” with an arrow through it…… A nice touch when restoring or building an ART DECO Lamp….. The shells have a UNO thread at the end of the shell……… All have a headless cap screw, all have been…

#112 VINTAGE Porcelain Keyless interior sockets, lamp parts, lighting


#112 VINTAGE Porcelain, Keyless, Interiors…. These are divided into 20 different matching lots…….. Porcelain Keyless Interiors come in numerous sizes, styles and shapes. I divided this lot into matching sets some are in pairs, others in matching lots of 6 7, 8 or 10…… I have an additional 100 porcelain keyless interiors if you are…

#12 Vintage P&S, Stubby Standard, Matching, KEYLESS, socket shells, lamp parts


#12 Matching P&S, STUBBY Standard size, “KEYLESS” socket shells, VERY NICE PATINA, all have been stripped of old paint and lacquer…….. Also, I gently brushed each shell by hand with a very soft brass brush to remove any cleaning reside…….. Ready use in your restoration or steampunk project….. Check out my other listings for more…