Nice pair of small oil lamps. The burner threads are 3/4 inches. The chimney size is 1 3/8. The shade holder is 2 3/4. Fits in a 3.5 bracket. The tanks have a couple small dents. The finish is black over brass (sort of like japanned).
Antique Peg Oil Lamp Brass Candle Stick Green Ice Crackle Shade P&A Victor Burne
This is an absolutely beautiful old peg oil lamp. These were converted from candle sticks to hold oil lamps. This is a fairly basic brass candle stick base, but has THAT SHADE. Such a fine looking piece. Comes with a P&A Victor burner. Together it measures 14 1/2 not counting chimney. No chips or cracks….
NOTE THIS IS A PROJECT PAIR OR REPURPOSE FOR A COOL PAIR OF RAT ROD LIGHTS. The bezels are not correct for the lights but do fit the bucket. The tops are not installed and are brass. Buckets in good shape. CLOSELY AT ALL PHOTOS THEY ARE BEST WAY TO DESCRIBE/SHOW CONDITION. Light is approximately…
Ford Model T Cowl Lamps Side Lights Corcoran Victor Model T Ford Vintage Auto
A matching pair of all steel side lamps used on Model T Fords from about 1916 to 1925. Stamped on the top of each cap is the Ford script along with The Corcoran Victor Co. The lamps stand 9 inches high, 4 ½ inches wide and 5 ½ inches deep. Complete and in excellent condition….
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- complete
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- fnton
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- four
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- gwtw
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- heavily
- heavy
- heck
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- herbert
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- hinks's
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- huge
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- idee
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- identifying
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- inch
- incredible
- industrial
- infrared
- ingenious
- inspired
- install
- instruction
- international
- iron
- italian
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- japanese
- jeweled
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- just
- kaco
- keeping
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- keystone
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- killark
- kind
- king
- klonz
- kmart
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- kosmos
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- lamp
- lamps
- lampshade
- lamput
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- large
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- less
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- lights
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- long
- looking
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- lotof20
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- most
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- need
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- night
- nikon
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- nude
- nuts
- oasis
- okay
- old-vintage-crystal-glass-drops-handelier-lamp-prism-6-parts
- oldfield
- oldies
- onyx
- opalescent
- open
- optimus
- ordering
- original
- ornate
- outstanding
- paar
- pack
- packard
- paint
- pair
- pairpoint
- part
- partial
- parts
- pathfinder
- pendant
- pennant
- perkins
- perko
- peters
- petromax
- philipsburg
- pick
- pieces
- pipe
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- plaster
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- pontiacbuick
- poor
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- post
- power
- prepping
- pressed
- preview
- pricing
- primus
- printed
- prism
- prisms
- private
- project
- properly
- pulley
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- quirky
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- r700
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- rally
- rambler
- rare
- rare-2
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- rear
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- rebuilding
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- recover
- recovering
- recycled
- regent
- remove
- renault
- renovation
- repair
- repairing
- replace
- replacement
- repro
- repurpose
- reserved
- restoration
- restore
- restored
- restoring
- retro
- rewire
- rewiring
- rich
- right
- rolls
- room
- rope
- rose
- rosette
- rubbolite
- rusted
- rustic
- rusty
- safe
- safely
- sale
- salvage
- salvaged
- salvaging
- scary
- scca
- scenes
- sconce
- sealed
- sears
- secrets
- selling
- sentinel
- series
- servicing
- seven
- sevres
- shabby
- shape
- ship
- shoji
- shop
- short
- should
- showcase
- signal
- signal-stat
- silver
- simple
- singer
- single
- sizes
- slag
- small
- smalla
- smaller
- smith
- socket
- sold
- something
- sony
- sorry
- span
- spanish
- spare
- spartus
- special
- spent
- spinning
- spiral
- sports
- spot
- spring
- square
- stained
- stanley
- starlight
- start
- station
- steam
- steampunk
- stewart
- stiffel
- still
- stock
- stop
- streamline
- student
- style
- success
- sunburst
- super
- swiss
- switch
- table
- take
- taking
- tales
- tall
- taryl
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- terminal99
- texas
- theory
- those
- three
- thrift
- thrifting
- tiffany
- tiffin
- tilted
- tips
- tizio
- together
- tool
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- toshiba
- toss
- touring
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- transformation
- transforming
- transporter
- trilight
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- tune
- turkish
- tutorial
- two-vintage
- ugly
- unbelievable
- unboxing
- unique
- united
- unity
- universal
- unlock
- unusual
- upcycled
- update
- v842
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- vaseline
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- very
- veteran
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- vintage
- vintage'anglepoise'
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- vtg1884
- vtgantique
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- white
- wild
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- wiring
- wood
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- xantech
- yankee
- yard
- year
- yellow
- york
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