Tag: pocket

Vintage 1940’s/1950’s Coal Mining, 3 Mint Justrite Carbide Pocket Cans, Lamp Parts


Nice group of vintage 1930’s/1940’s/1950’s or older coal mine miner mining items including three unused near mint Justrite ten ounce #77 carbide pocket cans can. They hold a full day’s supply. The strong durable and convenient cans are concave or curved shaped to fit the boot or hip pocket. All three are marked Justrite, Trade…

Vintage 40s/50s Coal Mining, Justrite Carbide Pocket Cans, Light-Stick, Lamp Parts


Nice group of vintage 1930’s/1940’s/1950’s or older coal mine miner mining items including three unused near mint Justrite ten ounce #77 carbide pocket cans can. They hold a full day’s supply. The strong durable and convenient cans are concave or curved shaped to fit the boot or hip pocket. All three are marked Justrite, Trade…

Vintage Coal Mining, Justrite Carbide Pocket Cans, T Helmet, First Aid, Lamp Parts


Nice group of vintage 1930’s/1940’s/1950’s coal mine miner mining items including three unused Justrite ten ounce #77 carbide pocket cans can. They hold a full day’s supply. The strong durable and convenient cans are concaved to fit the boot or hip pocket. All three are marked Justrite, Trade Mark, Pat. Applied For, Made In U….